Sacrifice and Holy Week

Sacrifice.... the most used word this week. In all masses and commemorations we will never miss the word. But what’s with sacrifice and holy week?

In a country populated mostly by Catholics, this week is about God sacrificing his only Son and Christ giving up His own life for the eternal salvation of mankind. Our many Holy Week practices speak of this love: the pabasa, the visita iglesia, the flagellants, and the Good Friday processions.

Sacrifice defined is the offering of food, objects, animals or to some extent people to the god or gods as an act of appeasement or worship. In ancient times people thought that misfortunes are gods’ anger, thus to appease them they offer sacrifices. It is all about offering OTHERS for a reward they wanted, a compromise.

Jesus’ crucifixion is a paradox to that perception. He offered a new meaning to the word’s two important components, who and why.

The Who: If previously people offers things, animals or in extreme instances, people as a sacrifice, Jesus offered his own. Not that of his disciples nor any of his followers, the concrete evidence of his selfless trust to God the Father and love for humanity.

The Why: If sacrifices were offered to make amends with their god/s; that of Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s eternal love to humanity. That God allowed His only son to suffer the pain and humiliation for our redemption.  

Have a blessed Holy Week everyone.


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