Twist and Turn

“There is one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one’s life – reciprocity” ~ Confucius

What you give, is what you receive. What you sow, is what you reap.

Life is about Karma and attracting energies. This is my life’s mantra. Your life is what you make of it. It is your choice to be cheerful or be stressed with negativity. There are instances where we may let ourselves be dragged into the abyss of pessimism. It would be healthy to have experience such, at times. Just to have a taste of both sides. But dwelling in negativity or rising through it is our call.

These past days, I’ve been a target of ranting and innuendos. Oftentimes, as my character suggests, I wanted to retaliate and unleash my fury especially that in some instances it borders on attacking my very person. Yet again I remained unruffled. I know that such reaction is what they wanted to solicit, to destroy my balance and equanimity. After all, everything in this environment is a competition. And since they weren’t successful, they now endure the results of my silence, sweet vengeance indeed.

Someone once told me, that among the factors that would affect our development as a person are the people we meet. Good or bad, they will eventually leave a mark into our being. They may be of help or a burden. Thus, we should value those who are of significance, we may need them, while learning from the not-so-good ones but never allowing ourselves to be eaten by the practices they have. Recent instances taught me that indeed silence is such powerful ammunition; it is even stronger than punches and kicks especially when you’re dealing with people who are out to annoy and destroy.

 “Every gising is a blessing”, so why waste it?!  Why desecrate such a wonderful gift.


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