SURVIVING.... Trangkaso

Aubrey Miles
Since I like cunning personalities, I rooted for her to be the celebrity survivor. She may not be the strongest physically but her scheming personality was able to bring her to the final four. I just thought that the participants took it personally and got their sweet vengeance.

LIFE indeed is about SURVIVAL. We need to toil each day to gain our rightful place on earth. For the cunning Superbass, LIFE is about the CHOICES WE MAKE. This is the CORE of our BEING. They may not bear the fruit we expect, we just have to be prepared. FAILURES will not define your person, but the way you handled and lived beyond every stumble.

LIFE comes with non-optional opposition in all things, plus difficulty. It is UNCERTAIN. Includes UNFAIRNESS and INJUSTICE.

Fulfilled individuals recognize all these and more. They do not take OFFENSE nor SELF-DESTRUCT and OTHER-DESTRUCT through rage and the refusal to forgive.

LIFE is what we make of it.... it is SURVIVING!

Seryoso? Epekto lang ng TRANGKASO. Kaya..... INGAT!


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