Straight Talk: Justice Delayed AND Denied

Who are we to judge? We weren't there when the gruesome murder happened! 

We never witnessed if it was indeed Hubert Webb and his cohorts who killed and put an end to the dreams of the Vizconde family. What if they are indeed innocent? (even if they don't look like one). Have we even considered their lives, and that of their families, that have been wasted for more than 15 years? 

We will never be able to quantify how Lauro Vizconde felt at the loss of his whole family. Adding to that is the pain he endured while seeking justice for almost 20 years. The misery of living solo in a house where they tried building their future and where the murderers shattered them all. 

Why would it take our justice system more than 19 years to give its final verdict? This amidst the case's popularity. One could only imagine how long does the less popular ones attains closure. How can the state provide every Juan dela Cruz the protection it promises when the very government institution who pledge equality is not at all impartial? 

With the revised penal code's provision of only 20 years as the maximum time in the filing of cases and the principle of double jeopardy, how can any proposed re-investigation bring into jail the real culprit/s. Did those involved in the case thought of these provisions or only the accused did? How can the released suspects be compensated for more than 15 wasted years? Should the judicial processes be reviewed and take into consideration the duration of its course?

The Vizconde Case is a mirror of how every Juan dela Cruz struggles for the elusive justice. The sluggish justice system gives leverage to the criminals and the moneyed. Its loopholes are opportunity for the oppressors to evade the arms of the law. 

And while we wait for our officials to improve our laws, justice will remain obscure. Victims in agony while the moneyed and influential criminals will never be afraid to commit any crimes. 

Indeed the Vizconde Massacre is an epitome of the country's system of JUSTICE DELAYED AND DENIED. 


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