Straight Talk: Delivering Bad News

Bad news is Bad news. It will always be a struggle for someone expecting it and for the one delivering it. Especially when the news your'e giving would definitely affect the recipient's future. There are a lot of considerations, among others, the most important is how you will be able to keep the receiver's dignity intact. 

Browsing on the web, I found this useful article on the Top 7 Tips on Delivering Bad News
  1. No Sandwiches: Avoid putting the bad news between good news. The old good-bad-good combination only confuses people. Many victims of this approach walk away remembering the good news and forget the bad. The value is lost and you will likely have to deliver the bad news again! If the news is especially bad, such as a written warning, limit the meeting to the warning. You can always cover good stuff later.
  2. No Dancing: Just get it over with. If the person is about to get blasted, he won't benefit from a discussion about his weekend. If he knows something is coming, he will be annoyed you are stretching it out with fake conversation. Needless chatter may also make you appear unsure of yourself. This can lead to an employee pushing to change your mind.
  3. No Demeaning: Use some tact. Be direct, but don't be a jerk. Donald Trump says "You're Fired!" on The Apprentice every week. In real life he admits he is more likely to say "hey, it isn't working out." Jerks make good T.V. - but they make lousy leaders.
  4. No Grouping: Separate the person from the problem. Even if the bad news is a termination, it does not mean the person is a loser. Make sure to stay focused on behaviors, not personalities. The person may be a bad fit for that job and can be valuable to another organization. Your job is to judge performance, not people.
  5. No Rushing: Allow some time for discussion. The person may need to clarify what the bad news means. If you don't allow her to do this, you will likely see her again for the same issue. Provide enough time for the person to learn from the experience.
  6. No Defending: Say it and be quiet. Leaders sometimes feel a need to go on and on about why they had to discipline someone. The leader thinks it is making him not look so mean - when in reality it makes him look unsure and defensive. If you believe you made the right decision, state your reasoning and be done. You give away your authority by justifying yourself too much.
  7. No Sharing: Avoid telling people the whats and whys. Don't make bad news worse by telling people who don't need to know. Sure, it may make you feel better to have a colleague say "you had no choice." Is feeling supported worth the news spreading to unwanted areas? If buddies didn't say anything...your organization wouldn't have the rumor issues you have now. Hire a coach if you feel a sounding board will help you.
There will never be an argument if I say that at a certain point we will all get a chance or two to deliver the not so good news either to our loved-ones, peers, relatives and co-workers. We may not be always be ready to say it, in the same way that there will never be enough preparations for anyone receiving, there will only be one ultimate golden rule to consider:

 Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:12]   


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