Dear 2011:

It is with immense anticipation that I wanted to welcome you. We will be together for the next 365 days. Your predecessor 2010, amidst uncertainties in the first quarter, provided astral opportunities for growth. 
I admit having tons of expectations from you especially that, together, we will be welcoming my 30th year of existence. The year I devoted for stability and positivism. Thus, I wanted to share with you our TO-DO list.
1. Let’s get Physical. Getting rid of the bulges is on top of our priorities. I know it’s a lame excuse but the demanding work schedule was a deterrent this year. With you, hopefully, time will be more giving. Let’s jump back on the wagon and hit the gym.
2. Benjamin Franklin uttered “A penny saved is a penny earned”. Why just a penny if you can save more. Logic dictates: save a little money each month and at the end of the year you’ll be surprised at how little you have. Time to reconcile the gross spending habits with the net income and learn to live frugally.
3. Be positive. 2011 is the time to weed out all negativity: attitude, beliefs, memories, thoughts and if necessary, people.
4. Direction. As you will commence my year for stability, usher me into the right course professionally. Is it time now to move relationship a KNOT higher. Will she answer YES this time?
5. Clean Living. Literally. We need to exert more efforts to be domesticated.
6. Send me somewhere please. It’s been a while since I left the country. How about exploring Africa or Europe? Needless to say, I’ve been yearning for a quest of epic magnitude.
7. Payback. Time to repay their hard work and enjoy a blissful retreat. How about a grand treat for dear parents?
8. Together Forever. Please don’t ask me to quit smoking and occasional drinking for they are a soothing refuge from life’s stress. Thinking that the future of workers in the tobacco and liquor industry depends on their patrons, I would rather smoke and drink than be selfish and worry about my lungs and liver. LOL.
9. World Peace. Peace in my mind, peace on earth, peace at work, peace at home, peace in the world.
10. Gratias! Grazie! Arigatogozamasu! Xie xie! Merci! Thank You! As your reign commence in the coming days, I thank God for another year of chances and opportunities. After 365 days, remind me again to remember the gifts received and the fulfillment of this TO-DO list.
That’s about if for now. I am pretty sure that there will be addendums and add-ons along the way, we can always manage. 2010 has been awesome and I expect the same, if not more, from you.
Best wishes, My 2011. I know we can do it.


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