God Bless Japan

Who would have thought that the country I fell in love with after visiting it twice because of its splendor and wonderful fusion of the past and modernization will in just half a day become the present face of disaster and natures wrath.
Who would have thought that the country who always display willingness in extending a helping hand to victims of calamities worldwide will now need ours. Our prayers and sympathy.
Who would have thought that amidst their preparedness, they will also be vulnerable.
Who would have thought . . . . .
My thoughts and prayers are with the people I have met. The two families of Nagoya who welcomed me as their new member in 2003 and 2007. It is my fervent hope that they are safe.
I also pray for the safety of hundreds of friends who amidst language barrier taught me a new dimension of developing relationships. People who successfully nurtured in me that strong bond and love for the country who may have once occupied ours but is continuing to redeem itself.
To JICE and SSEAYP friends and families, I am hoping that you are ALL well and in the cuddle of GOD's loving protection.
Kamisama ga Nippon o shukufuku!