Flying LOW

My round trip ticket to Iloilo costs me only P484.00 all in which means i only have to pay for the terminal fees and land transportations which is about P1,600. Not bad right?
Okay, the cost really is amaaaazingggly reasonable. But what about the services?
Arriving at the old domestic airport for my 4:00 AM flight, the atmosphere was cordial. The guard checking the tickets and IDs was all-smiles prompting the no-sleep and grumpy me to also be affable.
Understandably, compared to the other bigger airlines, the old domestic airport's system of checking in passengers is less systematic. Probably because of its size and it's just early morning. I wonder how it would look like in mid-day. The situation was comparable to a seaport terminal, noticeable was the panabong doing its morning call at the quarantine area. I looked at it to check if it was in a bayong. LOLz.

What is striking though is the photocopy of passenger's safety instruction. At inannounce pa talaga na ayon sa civil aviation law bawal tanggalin ang photocopied paper. haha. Anyhoots, its the thoughts that counts. Clear namang mababasa ang instructions.

PS: This review is not paid. Ha ha. Mabuti na ang malinaw. At sana makarating sa kinauukulan. LOLz.