Gising 24 Oras

my very own Armour.

Walang idlipan, walang higaan, walang bahid ng antok... trabahong totoo lamang...gising 24 Oras.

I have been up for more than 24 hours now. Just had a quick 10-minute power nap this morning. Every hour in the past days at the office was always a rush. We’re almost in the target but still determined to go beyond. This is my birth month and was formally introduced as a regular employee of the company, thus, I wanted it to be special.

With all the reports and expectations surrounding, I am expecting another night of bring-home work. Nonetheless, I thank my Higher Strength for giving me enough wisdom and strength daily, my ponytail and dear parents for the awesome support and understanding and co-employees who never cease to surprise me with what they can do every day.

One week more and we are all hopeful for the goal.... To reacccchhhh the unreachable...... car (joke lang, or at least a well deserved break)


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