The best Kalasag

Reportsssss + Targets = Month End

Today is extraordinarily stressful. Last night I slept past midnight after doing my reports and official calls. This morning, I was awake at 4AM trying to figure out the things I am supposed to accomplish today.

I detest month ends. More than the target (nakalampas na kasi ako), the pressure of people calling for reports and updates are almost excruciating. Especially if you have nothing they expect.  

This time, my eyes are almost painful and in dire need of a good sleep. We’re way off the target, but were hoping for more for a price we wanted. Isang great deal na lang sana at maaabot na, but we can never bee too greedy. We have already reached the basic target, and that I am really proud for my first birthday month in the institution I am with now.

I am wholly blessed believing that I exceeded their egggspectation, that amidst tests, we delivered. Thank you GOD. Indeed you are my “Kalasag”


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